20+ Hotel employees
1200+ Employees of the CPI Hotels network
30+ Hotels all over the world
1 The hotel’s joint mission

Social responsibility

We give talent a chance and are proud to act as a guide to our employees in their personal and professional development and growth. We welcome anyone who is willing to work on themselves and achieve their career dreams.

Social responsibility is a long⁠-⁠standing part of our values and aims. We help out in several areas of life and also consider the environment and sustainable business. We know that this approach is the only way that will enable us to live in the environment we want.

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We consider the environment to be a crucial factor due to the complexity of all our operations. As such, you’ll find bulk dispensers for toiletries in the rooms, rooms are cleaned once every three days, and we use the minimum printed materials and conventional plastic packaging. We also encourage guests to get involved. We promote sorting waste, as well as saving electricity and water.

Some of our hotels have composting facilities and keep bees on their rooftops, which then supply your honey for breakfast. We’re constantly expanding our project to include additional hotels and ideas. We’re pleased that you’re part of that effort as well, and thank you!

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Valentine’s Day at Siddharta Café

Indulge in a four-course Valentine’s menu perfectly paired with exclusive cocktails that enhance an unforgettable experience.

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